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Lust, Money & Murder

Lust, Money & Murder; Book One

by Mike Wells

I have seen many titles before, but this title is so cut and dry that I have to point it out. This title tells you everything you should expect from this book; lust, money, murder, and this book wastes no time in fulfilling that promise. I started this book earlier today and, while it is a shorter book, I attribute my finishing it in a day to the iron barbed hook in the mysterious prologue. Once I started reading this I just didn't want to put it down, and hardly noticed the time passing as I flew though the pages.

As I have previously stated this books synopsis is in the title, but the focus is on one woman, Elaine Brogan. From the day she was born in 1985 her father was completely devoted to her, and as she grew up he continued to support her by whatever means necessary. That is until Elaine found herself a victim of a swindle involving counterfeit money that inadvertently sent her father to jail causing him to commit suicide. Since that day Elaine had only one goal, to make the man responsible for the loss of her father pay. From the moment she decided to seek revenge she worked tirelessly for the position that could legally give her that which she most desired. She would join the Secret Service and work in counterfeiting until she found that one criminal that had caused her so much heartache.

This book follows her journey for revenge with impressive fluidity that will keep you reading. No time is wasted on excessive imagery or mundane activities. I found this fast-acting book very refreshing. Each word locked me in and I never once found my eyes skipping down the page looking for the next set of exciting dialogue or plot development. Elaine's education flashes before your eyes, only hitting the high points in a race to her final destination, of finally being in a position to track down the assailant. However she has numerous hurdles along the way all having to do with the three things that would make a great Bond movie; lust, money, and murder. Any other motif is brushed to the side, making a fast-paced read that won't let you go until the pages run out.

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