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The Great Gatsby

Gatsby? What Gatsby?

The Great Gatsby

written by F. Scott Fitzgerald

This book is something of a controversy. If you were to walk up to someone and ask what they think of The Great Gatsby they will most likely give you one of two answers if they have indeed read the book. They will either scoff claiming that they did not enjoy that book. If you question them further they will admit they did not understand the point of the book and did not enjoy the story for that reason. It is truly a sad thing when this occurs. However, the second answer you may receive regarding this story will be that the person in question absolutely loved this book. How is this divide in reactions possible? Whether or not a person falls in love with this book is dependent on their ability to find the meaning in the book. This book is about many things; the roaring twenties, adultery, parties, murder, drinking, obsession, and hope. In this jumble of motifs it may be hard for one to locate the meaning of this tremendous book because it has so many electrifying elements it becomes overwhelming.

It begins simply enough; Nick Carroway came to New York City to spend the summer studying bonds to prepare for his new job. However, like a high school student he did not accomplish this goal because "things got in the way". However in Nick's case he had the decade get in his way. Set in the roaring twenties full of parties, money, and good times Nick got himself stuck right in the middle of it, and the heart of this decade’s extravagance is the fabled Mr. Gatsby. Rumors fly whenever Gatsby's name is uttered. This man is a mystery. All Nick Carroway really knows about his neighbor, Gatsby, is that he hosts extravagant, wild parties. Gatsby also remains a mystery to the reader. When Gatsby is at last revealed, a chain of events begins that snowballs into revenge, jealousy, naivety, and murder. This may sound incredible, but this book has a story unlike any other.

One thing perfectly clear about Gatsby that links him to Nick is his obsession with Nick's cousin that lives across the lake that divides East and West Egg. Through Nick's eyes, we watch as Gatsby tries to win back Daisy who is now married. His incredible optimism in being able to relive the past astounds Nick. He is the most hopeful person Nick had ever known. The strong characters in this book create fantastic conflicts to create this unique plot. To someone looking for the quick point of this story they will not find it. The Great Gatsby must be experienced to fully understand it because it is so magnificent, the meaning becomes specific to the reader.

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